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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Free Web Submission

For you who want to register your blog or website in the search engine there is a very efficient way to register is by registering your blog or website on free web submissions. 
what is a free web submission? Free web site submission is a website that provides the facility to register your blog or website to several search engines are the most commonly used. We just write the address of the blog or our website and will automatically be enrolled in 20 search engines.
it really save energy?
okay I'll explain how to register your blog or website on free web submission

1.       visit the following websites

2.       In this site there are 50 popular search engines Like in this picture.

3.       please enter your blog or website address in this colum.
4.       After that you click submit your site and wait until your blog or website registration in several search engines is completed. your blog will be submitted to 20 search engines provided.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Increasing Visitor Blog

Free advertising

There is a people saying many roads lead to Rome. Well there are many ways increase your blog visitors. In my previous post I have ever explained how to increase visitors to register with SEO.

There is another way is by registering TRAFFIC ni Digger. System of traffic digger is if it is assumed everyone is referring to others as many as 10 people to sign up Digger the TRAFFIC website / blog or your ad will be seen about 1 million more people. This calculation it is assumed there is only one course in each month visitor, if more than one course the result will be far greater. Please try to

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Register and Verify google webmaster tools

For  the bloggers who want  increasing rank your blog visitors  can register it to your blog on google search engine. So when you want to find your blog google  search engine will find your  blog.

I will explain the steps to register your blig on google
1. Firstly open .
once you register your site in Google, you must verify your blog via Google Webmaster Tools. It is intended that google can always monitor your blog and provide statistics on the site.

2. How to verify your blog, you should go here:, then log in with your Google account. Once entered, click on Add Site / add site, enter your site URL and click go.

3. Next select the manage site and select add or remove users.
There are two methods offered to verify your blog, through the html file and Meta-tags. The easiest way is, select the method of meta-tags. It will exit the code meta-tags provided by Google.

Copy and paste the meta code in your blog, Meta tag must be on the right under <head>.
For users, how to put meta code of blogger is to login to your Blogger account, then click the layout / page layout, click Edit HTML and look for <head> code, this code at the top, so it is easy to find. Paste the code below the code <head>. Then click save template / save the template.

After that, go back to Google Webmaster Tools, click Verify or Verified. If you do it right, then there will be a description that your site has been verified.

After verification you can register a google sitemap reads see my post HERE

How to Submit a Google Site Map

For  the beginner blogger as me often have difficulty in submitting a sitemap in google. After I read some articles on google site map on Forantum  finally I can send my google sitemap.

before explain stages to submit google sitemap  I'll explain what it is google sitemap? Google Sitemaps is a program from google. You can display your website or blog in google search engine. This is one way to increase visitors on your website or blog.

I will explain how to apply google sitemap. for The blogger is very easy to submit your site google map . But Previously you had to register google addurl and verify your  blog. You can see my posting about google addurl IN HERE

Ok I will explain the stages.
A. You must first login to Google Webmaster Tools (

2. Dashboard / open screen, click on the Blog URL / site that has previously been verified.

3. Then click Configure site -> Site Map or Sitemap

4. Click on add sitemap / sumbite, then you will be prompted to enter the URL of your Sitemap, format

5. change the red text with url your blog

6 Click on submit

• Google will check your sitemap

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Why Rank Alexa no Data

Why rank and link in the alexa rank us no data? Maybe it's a frequently asked by beginners in the blogosphere when it recently on his blog alexa rank. Not to worry this is sure to happen to any newbie.
Once I find out from some of the articles turned out to blogs or websites that Alexa rank is no more data is a blog or a website that he was already quite long and this is strengthened by the testimony of alexa that the Links will be updated in pertriwulan or three months. Therefore, let us continue to multiply the articles of interest without being bored to blog preferred by many people so we can continue to rank blogs to increase


what is alexa rank? alexa rank adalahh sites that provide information about the ranking of your blog or website. . Traffic ranking results will be calculated based on traffic aggregation for 3 months among the millions of Alexa Toolbar users. alexa rank serves to attract the attention of the visitors. The following tips about improving alexa rank.

1. We first used the Alexa toolbar installed
2. The next pair Alexa rank widget on your blog or website
3. invite your friends to download the Alexa toolbar
4. alexa toolbar installed anywhere either in the cafe or office, just install the Alexa Toolbar pade every computer and set your blog as a homepage, this will be very effective to increase your blog traffic if the IP website / blog is dynamic.
5. review Alexa
profiles in the alexa review blog is very important ith review blog on Alexa's profile, because it can memingkatkan traffic rank blog / website.
6. Article Writing Challenge Alexa
If you write an article about Alexa, and many bloggers and webmasters who opened your blog and make your article backlinks then it will be a lot of people who visit your blog.
7. Attach the url of your blog in a blog or another website to the bloggers to open your blog
8. become an active member diforum-specific forum.

good luck with your blog rank may continue to rise

Friday, 2 March 2012


Mani Trick to increase blogger rank one is to optimize the search enggine or commonly known as SEO.some sites you can use SEO to increase your blog rank


1. Courtney Tuttle
 Join Courtney's Internet Marketing School and you will definitely gain vital knowledge when it comes to search engine optimization.

2. The Keyword Academy

 This is personally my favorite SEO site run by Courtney Tuttle and Mark Butler. You'll learn more in one of Their posts than you will in 50 of Darren Rowse's Posts.

3. Grizzly's Online
BlogHe's got some great strategies for making an income online along with useful SEO tips.

4. Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land is a hub for news and information about search engine marketing, optimization and how search engines work for Searchers.

5. Daily Blog Tips
Improve your blog with Daily Blog Tips. A fast paced blog featuring articles on blog design, SEO, promotion, Monetization and more

6. Matt Cutts
: Gadgets, Google, and SEOtalk about Google, SEO, and Gadgets. But mostly Google.

7. SEOmoz
Search Engine Marketing News & Tips

8. Search Engine Journal
Pronet AdvertisingPronet Advertising is a weblog about Neil Patel's personal experiences in online marketing.

9. Search Engine Guide
The small business guide to search engine marketing. Articles from the top names in the industry cover topics Including SEO, PPC, SEM, blogging, social media, adsense, adwords, Google, Yahoo, MSN and Internet marketing.

10.Online Marketing Blog
All about the intersection of search engine & social media marketing

11. Marketing Pilgrim
Andy Beal discusses news from the search engine industry, blogging, rss and other internet marketing.

12. Search Engine Watch
Search Engine Watch provides news and tips about search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), and searching the Web. We offer daily news & analysis of the search industry, Including the latest on Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Ask.

13. Get Elastic
Ecommerce articles on internet retail, online marketing, social media, SEO, and killer ecommerce tips from Elastic Path Software; Featuring the Get Elastic ecommerce podcast - conversations with ecommerce industry insiders.

14. Web Analytics World
Manoj Jasra's insight on Web Analytics and the Search Marketing Industry. Also Including Interviews, Technology Reviews and Podcasts

15. Blogstorm
Search engine optimization & internet marketing blog

16. Small Business SEM
Small Business SEM by Matt McGee | SEO and Marketing Discussion for Small Businesses
17. SEO Scoop
SEO Scoop is a popular search engine optimization focuses on That blog SEO tips, theories and news.

18. Search Engine Roundtable
Search engine optimization news and resources